
Wreck This Journal Everywhere

51.12€ 92.95€
Скидка 45%
Модель: 04714758
Наличие: Отправка 10-12 раб. дн.
Featuring dozens of new activities as well as some of the most popular prompts from the original, Wreck This Journal Everywhere will have you travelling the city streets and country byways, filling the pages with man-made and natural objects, recording what you see, drawing, doodling - and destroying pages as you go. Perfect for sliding in your pocket or stuffing in your bag, Wreck This Journal Everywhere is the ideal creative companion!
Формат 16x10x1.1 см
Переплет мягкий
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Автор Smith Keri
ISBN 978-1-84614-858-3
Страниц 142

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