
The Rooster Bar

Модель: 34461996
Наличие: Распродано

Товар распродан.

John Grisham's newest legal thriller takes you inside a law firm that shouldn't exist.
They were three young law students. They dreamed of changing the world. But they were duped. They took out massive student loans and have no hope of graduating with a good job.
Now the three friends have given up studying and spend a lot of time plotting in a bar. There is only way out of their crushing debt: pretend to be real lawyers and expose the crooked hedge fund operator who owns both the school and the bank that arranged their student loans.
They are taking a desperate risk. After all, they are going to war with a billionaire and the might of the FBI.
Формат 18x12x2.5 см
Переплет мягкий
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Бумага газетная
Автор Grisham John
ISBN 978-1-4736-1699-8
Страниц 374
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2018
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