
The Competitiveness of the national economy

23.54€ 42.80€
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Модель: 02531045
Наличие: Отправка 10-12 раб. дн.
"The authors have proved that M. Porter's theory of Competitive Advantage of Nations serves as a theoretical basis for the formation of the world economy monopolarity, while the identification of national competitiveness with the competitiveness of economic entities, first of all, TNCs and MNCs will prevent independent and sustainable economic development of Russia, India and China. The authors provide criteria to determin national competitiveness in the new environment and in this respect analyze a number of national economies.
The book is recommended for politicians and economists, engineers and technicians of Russia and foreign countries, also while national specialists training."
Формат 21x14x1 см
Переплет мягкий
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Бумага серая
Автор Perskaya Victoria
Страниц 190
Язык издания русский
Год издания 2015

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