
Pathophysiology : Course of Lectures

40.23€ 73.15€
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Модель: 12532751
Наличие: Отправка 10-12 раб. дн.
This tutorial is composed in accordance with the requirements of the current Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education. It is prepared by the faculty of the Department of Pathophysiology and Clinical Pathophysiology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 'Piro-gov Russian National Research Medical University'. The tutorial consists of 35 lectures which consistently present the basic topics of general and clinical pathophysiology. The theoretical material is accompanied by illustrations and tables. The tutorial is designed for undergraduate and postgraduate English speaking students studying this subject in Russian universities.
Автор Порядин Г.В.
Переплет твердый
Страниц 576
Бумага офсетная
Иллюстрации отсутствуют
Год издания 2022
Язык издания английский
Возраст 12+
ISBN 978-5-9986-0399-0

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