
Moominvalley for the Curious Explorer

20.43€ 37.15€
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Модель: 06759162
Наличие: Отправка 10-12 раб. дн.
Moominvalley for the Curious Explorer is a 3-D guide to the extraordinary world of the Moomins. Welcome to Moominvalley! Pull out your guide and explore the wonderful scenery, from the towering Moominhouse, through the forest, over the bridge and down to the sea... Then turn the book over to meet the many extraordinary inhabitants of Moominvalley and say hello to Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden and LIttle My! This lovely little book is perfect for Moomin fans young and old, and features sumptuous artwork. Tove Jansson was born in Helsingfors, Finland, in 1914. Her mother was a caricaturist who designed 165 of Finland's stamps and her father was a sculptor. She studied painting in Finland, Sweden and France, and subsequently became a book illustrator. Her extraordinary illustrative style is seen as a design classic the world over. Originally written in Swedish, the Moomintroll books have been translated into 34 languages and adapted for television, film, radio and opera. Tove Jansson lived alone on a small island in the gulf of Finland, where most of her books were written.
Формат 13.5x13x1.8 см
Переплет твердый
Иллюстрации цветные иллюстрации
ISBN 9780141352688
Страниц 14

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