

19.69€ 35.80€
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Модель: 34472929
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Why do we set so much store by Marriage? Jane Austen was fascinated by this question, subjecting it to her forensic eye and wonderfully ironic wit again and again. Here are stolen glances and nervous advances, meddling parents and self-important cousins, society whisperings and the fluttering hearts of young lovers. All of them have their own views and expectations of marriage, and Austen's are the wisest of all.
Формат 17x11x.6 см
Переплет мягкий
Иллюстрации отсутствуют
Бумага газетная
Автор Остен Джейн
ISBN 978-1-78487-405-6
Страниц 106
Серия Vintage Minis
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2018

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