
Mac Fact Read. The Human Body

19.22€ 34.95€
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Модель: 06757401
Наличие: Отправка 10-12 раб. дн.
"This six-level series of factual readers allows English language learners to explore a variety of fascinating real-world topics. Each reader has been carefully graded to reinforce the main structures and vocabulary covered in most major language courses. The use of the plus symbol (+) highlights the increased level of challenge in language as compared to a standard reader, reflecting the focus on content learning.
Includes a glossary with explanations of key vocabulary
Free teaching notes, audio and exercises available
Level 4"
Формат 23x15x.2 см
Переплет мягкий
Иллюстрации цветные иллюстрации
Бумага мелованная
Автор Ganeri Anita
ISBN 9780230432253
Страниц 32
Серия Macmillan factual readers

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