
Life and Freedom

17.32€ 31.50€
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Модель: 05566176
Наличие: Отправка 10-12 раб. дн.
The book by the former president of Armenia and the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Robert Kocharyan, sheds light on one of the most complex and controversial pages in the history of the Armenian people. As an organizer and participant of key events in Armenia and Karabakh, Kocharyan presents his account of this period. The book contains previously unpublished information and once-classified documents, along with historical photos from his personal archives.
Автор Кочарян Р.
Переплет твердый
Страниц 462
Бумага офсетная
Год издания 2023
Язык издания английский
Возраст 16+
ISBN 978-5-2060017-3-0

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