Provide young children a path to academic success with Top Student! This colorful activity book provides hundreds of creative and fun activities and practice pages that motivate young children to lear...
Provide children a path to academic success! Top Student provides hundreds of activities and practice pages to keep children challenged and excited as they strengthen their skills across all curriculu...
Hercule Poirot delighted in telling people that he was probably the best detective in the world. So turning back the clock to trace eighteen of the cases which helped establish his professional reputation...
Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration from Elizabeth Gilbert's books for years. Now, this beloved author shares her wisdom and unique understanding of creativity, shattering the...
Имя Уильма Шекспира, известное во всем мире, не зря всегда сопровождается словами «великий», «лучший» или «непревзойденный». Из-под пера этого поэта и драматурга вышли поистине бессмертные произведения,...
Лучший способ учить иностранный язык – это читать художественное произведение, постепенно овладевая лексикой и грамматикой. Предлагаем учить английский язык вместе со знаменитым романом О. Уайльда «Портрет...
Provide children a path to academic success! Top Student provides hundreds of activities and practice pages to keep children challenged and excited as they strengthen their skills across all curriculu...
Тася и Ваня случайно познакомились в зале Рембрандта в Эрмитаже. Разные причины привели их туда: Ваня прятался в музейной толпе от усталости и плохого настроения, а Тася отстала от родителей и заблуди...
Was an English illustrator, graphic humourist and political cartoonist whose work was prominent during the second half of the 19th century. Tenniel is considered important to the study of that period'...
A special illustrated edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, the bestselling magical novel from master storyteller Neil Gaiman. Breathtaking illustrations by fine artist and illustrator, Elise Hurst....
В названии романа Узорный покров, написанного в 1925 году британским классиком Уильямом Сомерсетом Моэмом, получили отражение строки сонета Перси Биши Шелли Lift not The Painted Veil which those who live...
Creating George Stark was easy. Getting rid of him won't be . . .
The sparrows are flying again. The idea - unbidden, inexplicable - haunts the edge of Thad Beaumont's mind.
Thad should be happy. For ...