
Kiss It Better

40.67€ 73.95€
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Every day has its ups and downs Sometimes you giggle, sometimes you frown. But the thing to remember, the secret, is this... Everything feels better with the help of a KISS. If you've scraped your knee, or fallen out with your best friend, a kiss can make everything better. And kisses aren't just for children, they're for grown-ups too. So the next time you see someone you love feeling down in the dumps, just remember: a kiss is the very best gift of all! A tender expression of love, Kiss It Better is the perfect gift. Great for fans of Guess How Much I Love You.
Формат 27x24x.4 см
Переплет мягкий
Иллюстрации цветные иллюстрации
Бумага белая
Автор Prasadam-Halls Smriti
ISBN 978-1-4088-4563-9
Страниц 32
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2019
Оформление тиснение цветное
Художник Massini Sarah

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