
Ivan Turgenev: Rudin

Модель: 34070253
Наличие: Распродано

Товар распродан.

Dmitry Rudin, a high-minded gentleman of reduced means, arrives at the estate of Darya Mikhailovna, where his intelligence, eloquence and conviction immediately make a powerful impression. As he stys on longer than intended, Rudin exerts a strong influence on the younger generation, and Darya's daughter, Natalya, falls in love with him. But circumstances soon will show whether Rudin has the courage to act on his beliefs, and whether he can live ip to the image he has created for himself.
Автор Turgenev Ivan
Серия Alma Classics
Переплет мягкий
Страниц 180
Бумага газетная
Иллюстрации отсутствуют
Год издания 2012
Язык издания английский
ISBN 978-1-84749-226-5

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