
Its Grammar Time 2. Students book. Учебник

Модель: 34608791
Наличие: Распродано

Товар распродан.

It's Grammar Time is a series of four grammar books in full colour. Designed for learners of English at beginner to intermediate level, they systematically present, provide practice of and revise English grammar structures. The series can be used to supplement any main coursebook and is suitable both for self-study and classroom use.
Key Features
- clear, simple situational presentation of grammar structures through pictures and jokes
- attractive photographs and illustrations
- comprehensive theory boxes with examples
- a variety of graded exercises where students practise grammar structures taught in context
- speaking and writing activities at the end of each unit aiming to activate grammar sturctures taught in context
- regular revision units
- further practice material
- regular Exploring Grammar sections
Формат 29x21x.9 см
Переплет мягкий
Иллюстрации цветные иллюстрации
Бумага белая
Автор Evans Virginia
ISBN 978-1-4715-6348-5
Страниц 120
Серия It`s Grammar Time 2
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2018

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