
How to Swear (HB)

71.94€ 130.80€
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Модель: 34246087
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Know your shit, or know you're shit. The essential swearing guide.
Knowing How to Swear is essential to any English-speaker, and if you make a mistake with this subtle art, you could really be in the shit. Graphic artist and swearing connoisseur Stephen Wildish will teach you all you need to know, including: the building blocks of an effective insult, the lexical functions of different types of animal excrement (batshit, horseshit, apeshit, and more) and the merits of idiomatic swearing. Fuck Eats, Shoots and Leaves, this is the grammar book you need.
Формат 20.5x13.5x2.5 см
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Автор Wildish Stephen
ISBN 978-1-78503-641-5
Страниц 192
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2017
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