
Globalistics and globalization studies: Current

Модель: 44159531
Наличие: Распродано

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Over the last few years, particularly in the last couple of years, the situation in the world has been rapidly changing. In fact, there is a strong impression that its development goes with more and more increased speed. The World System experiences really dramatic transformations which exacerbate conflicts and tension, disasters and scares as well as turbulence and backslides in the society. We suppose that a new tide of globalization will result from the started formation of the new world order which in many respects will be associated with regulation of global agreements and mechanisms connected with activities on climate change and ecology. This volume presents views on globalization and global issues from different angles. We investigate current processes both in more depth and from the Big History perspective. The present volume is already the eighth volume in the series 'Globalistics and Globalization Studies' touching a broad range of subjects within Global Studies. The volume...
Серия Для студентов и преподавателей
Переплет мягкий
Страниц 368
Бумага офсетная
Иллюстрации ч/б иллюстрации
Год издания 2022
Язык издания русский
Возраст 12+
ISBN 978-5-7057-6067-1

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