
Dinosaur Juniors: Happy Hatchday

28.68€ 52.15€
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Модель: 34461686
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The first series from the bestselling and award-winning picture book genius Rob Biddulph!
A brand new, creatively cretaceous story from the bestselling Rob Biddulph - and the first book in his first ever series!
Meet Otto, Winnie, Greg(osaurus) and all the other dinosaur juniors, as they traverse life's first ups and downs - all in Rob's trademark rhyme filled with warmth and humour.
This first book is perfect for Rob's youngest fans, with colourful, detailed artwork and a simple rhyming text perfect for reading aloud.
Формат 25x25x.4 см
Переплет мягкий
Иллюстрации цветные иллюстрации
Бумага мелованная
Автор Biddulph Rob
ISBN 978-0-00-820743-4
Страниц 32
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2019
Оформление частичная лакировка
Художник Biddulph Rob

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