
Carry On, Jeeves

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What a very, very lucky person you are. Spread out before you are the finest and funniest words from the finest and funniest writer the past century ever knew' Stephen Fry
'I expect I shall feel better after tea.'
A collection of ten uproarious short stories. From the moment Jeeves cures Bertie of a raging hangover with his own concoction of Worcestershire sauce and tomato juice, they become steadfast partners.
Whether it is fixing a plan-gone-wrong, or solving his friends' love lives, Jeeves is Bertie's unfaltering aide through a series of accidental - and self-imposed - misadventures.
'The incomparable and tireless genius - perfect for readers of all ages, shapes and sizes!' Kate Mosse
Формат 19x12x1.8 см
Переплет мягкий
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Бумага газетная
Автор Вудхаус Пелам Гренвилл
ISBN 978-1-78746-107-9
Страниц 290
Серия Jeeves & Wooster
Язык издания английский
Год издания 2018

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