
A Sobering book. Explanation of the Book of Eccl/Отрезвляющая книга. Описание Книга Еккл

Модель: 04995627
Наличие: Распродано

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The good things of this world intoxicate a person, vanity despoils the soul and the mind, and sobriety is lost. The most-wise Ecclesiastcs understood that the soul is not capable of finding peace and perfect wisdom in this world. And though the meaninglessness of the world oppresses a person, inattentive people fail to notice the terrible maelstrom into which we are all caught up. The only escape from it is Christ.
Формат 16x12x1 см
Переплет интегральный
Иллюстрации ч/б иллюстрации
Автор Priest Daniel Sysoev
ISBN 978-5-4279-0040-90
Страниц 176

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